Professional Broward County Divorce Attorney

Professional Broward County Divorce Attorney

Embarking on the path to divorce can be an overwhelming and emotionally draining experience. Navigating the complexities of the legal system while trying to protect your interests and those of your family members can feel daunting. But fear not, as finding the best Broward County divorce attorney can make all the difference in achieving a successful outcome. Let this comprehensive guide serve as your compass to finding the right legal representation and understanding the nuances of the divorce process in Broward County.

In the following sections, we will explore the critical factors to consider when choosing a Broward County divorce attorney, the types of divorce cases handled by Broward County attorneys, key aspects of divorce proceedings, the benefits of mediation and collaborative divorce, and essential tips for navigating the process confidently. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions and move towards a brighter future.

Key Takeaways

  • Find an experienced and available divorce attorney in Broward County to ensure a successful outcome.
  • Understand the complexities of property division, child custody/support, alimony & alternative dispute resolutions (mediation & collaborative).
  • Take steps to protect interests while maintaining emotional well-being during the process.

Choosing the Right Divorce Attorney in Broward County

Choosing the right attorney to represent your interests is the initial and a pivotal step in the divorce process. A skilled and experienced attorney in family law matters can make all the difference in achieving a successful outcome for your case. To identify the best divorce lawyer in Broward County, you should evaluate factors including:

  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Communication style
  • Availability
  • Fee structure

Considering these factors will enable you to identify a competent attorney to represent you in Florida family law cases, such as child custody disputes, property division, and alimony negotiations. With the right attorney, you can confidently navigate the often complex legal landscape of divorce in Fort Lauderdale and the broader Broward County area.

Experience and Expertise

Your divorce attorney’s experience and expertise carry significant weight. A lawyer who is well-versed in family law and has a proven track record of successfully handling divorce cases in Broward County can be a game-changer for your case.  

Scott A. Levine is a highly qualified attorney in this area. With years of experience practicing law in Fort Lauderdale, FL, he can provide the necessary understanding and proficiency to handle your case effectively.

Communication and Availability

Another crucial factor to consider when choosing a divorce attorney is their communication style and availability. An attorney who is responsive, available, and maintains open communication throughout the process can be invaluable in helping you navigate the complexities of family law matters. This is especially important in contested divorce cases, where emotions can run high, and clear communication is essential for achieving a satisfactory resolution.

Scott A. Levine is an excellent example of a family law attorney who adheres to this approach. He believes in:

  • out-of-court settlements, which can help reduce the strain of litigation on families, especially those with children;
  • helping her clients lessen the impact of divorce  and other family law matters, including timesharing and /or custody disputes; and
  • Maintaining open lines of communication with each client to ensure that each client receives the individual support and guidance that she or he needs throughout the divorce and /or other family law matter.

Fees and Payment Structure

To avoid unexpected costs and financial stress during the divorce process, it’s important to comprehend the fee structure of your chosen attorney. In uncontested divorce cases, a flat fee is typically applicable. However, contested divorce cases require a more flexible fee structure, which varies depending on the complexity of the case and the amount of legal services required.

Uncontested divorce cases usually require a single payment, whereas contested divorce cases may necessitate multiple payments throughout the proceedings, as determined by your FL divorce attorney. Mr. Levine accepts payment via credit card, check, and through recognized cash apps, such as Zelle. Knowing the fees and payment structure upfront can help you plan your finances accordingly and alleviate undue stress during the divorce process.

Types of Divorce Cases Handled by Broward County Attorneys

Broward County divorce attorneys handle various cases, such as uncontested, contested, and high-net-worth divorces. Each type of divorce comes with challenges and requirements, making it essential to understand the differences and seek appropriate legal representation.

The subsequent subsections provide a deeper understanding of each divorce case type, including an overview of unique aspects and considerations. This knowledge can help you better understand the specific circumstances of your case and inform your decision-making during the divorce process.

Uncontested Divorce

Uncontested divorce is often the most preferred route for divorce proceedings. In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree on all terms, making the process quicker and less expensive than contested divorce cases. Uncontested divorces provide more control over the terms and conditions of the agreement, which can benefit both parties involved.

To successfully navigate an uncontested divorce in Broward County, you must file the petition at the Broward courthouse, serve it to the other party, and submit all required documents. With the help of a qualified attorney, the process can be swift and economical, allowing both parties to move forward with minimal disruption to their lives.

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce occurs when the parties cannot agree regarding the divorce terms, such as child custody, alimony, and division of assets. Contested divorces can be more challenging and time-consuming, as they may require litigation and court intervention to resolve the disputes.

For contested divorce cases in Broward County, it’s recommended to engage a lawyer who will represent your interests and facilitate a fair resolution. In some cases, employing mediation and collaborative divorce methods can assist couples in reaching an agreement without resorting to court proceedings. This can be an efficient and cost-effective approach, which can also help couples maintain a more amicable relationship post-divorce.

High-Net-Worth Divorce

A high-net-worth divorce involves intricate financial assets, such as businesses, investments, and real estate. These divorces require specialized legal expertise to ensure that all assets are accurately valued and equitably distributed. A seasoned attorney can help navigate the complexities of high-net-worth divorces and protect your interests.

High-net-worth divorces often encompass a variety of complex financial assets such as:

  • investments
  • real estate
  • business interests
  • retirement accounts

These assets require attention and must be divided equitably between both parties to ensure a fair outcome. By engaging an attorney with experience in high-net-worth divorces, you can ensure that your financial interests are adequately protected.

Key Aspects of Divorce in Broward County

Key Aspects of Divorce in Broward County

The divorce process in Broward County entails tackling key aspects like property division, child custody and support, and alimony. Understanding these aspects and their legal requirements is crucial for ensuring a fair and successful outcome for all parties involved.

The subsequent subsections offer a detailed exploration of these key aspects, providing you with the necessary information to confidently navigate the divorce process in Broward County. Armed with this knowledge, you will be better prepared to make informed decisions and protect your interests throughout the proceedings.

Property Division

One of the crucial aspects of divorce proceedings in Broward County is the equitable distribution of marital assets and debts. This process involves:

  • Determining which assets and liabilities / debts are marital, and determining the valuation date to be applied to each marital asset and marital liability;
  • Determining whether a marital asset or marital liability is subject to an unequal distribution; and
  • Considering any other relevant factors to reach a fair and equitable outcome.

A fair and accurate division of assets and debts requires collecting and organizing all pertinent financial documents, such as bank statements, tax returns, and credit card statements. By having a comprehensive understanding of the financial situation of both parties, you can better ensure that the division of property is fair and equitable.

Child Custody (Timesharing) and Support

Child custody and support arrangements are another key aspect of divorce proceedings in Broward County. These arrangements must prioritize the child’s best interests to ensure their well-being and stability during and after the divorce process. Factors such as:

  • The demonstrated capacity and disposition of each parent to facilitate and encourage a close and continuing parent-child relationship, to honor the time-sharing schedule, and to be reasonable when changes are required;
  • The anticipated division of parental responsibilities after the litigation, including the extent to which parental responsibilities will be delegated to third parties;
  • the child’s relationship with each parent;
  • The parent’s ability to co-parent, and act on the need of the child as opposed to his or her own needs;
  • The moral fitness of the parents;
  • The mental and physical health of the parents;
  • The home, school, and community record of the child;
  • The reasonable preference of the child, if the court deems the child to be of sufficient intelligence, understanding, and experience to express a preference;
  • The demonstrated knowledge, capacity, and disposition of each parent to be informed of the circumstances of the minor child, including, but not limited to, the child’s friends, teachers, medical care providers, daily activities, and favorite things; and
  • The demonstrated capacity and disposition of each parent to provide a consistent routine for the child, such as discipline, and daily schedules for homework, meals, and bedtime.

These factors are taken into account when determining child custody and support.

Prioritizing your child’s best interests and collaborating with a qualified attorney helps ensure fair child custody and support arrangements that cater to your child’s well-being. This can help minimize the stress and disruption the divorce process may cause your child.


Alimony is another critical aspect of divorce proceedings in Broward County, intended to provide financial support to a spouse during and after the divorce process. The primary considerations for alimony involve:

  • The duration of the marriage
  • The ability of a party to provide spousal support
  • The necessity of the other party for spousal support
  • The various forms of alimony may be awarded, including durational alimony and bridge-the-gap alimony.

Recently, Governor DeSantis signed a bill to eliminate permanent alimony.  (as of July 1, 2023)

“According to “The new law redefines the lengths of marriage: a short-term marriage is now considered to be one lasting less than 10 years (previously seven). A moderate-term marriage lasts between 10 and 20 years (previously 7-17). And a long-term marriage, previously defined as one 17 years or longer, is now 20 years or more. The changes to durational alimony include:

  • People married for less than three years are no longer eligible for durational alimony in Florida.
  • Durational alimony may not last longer than 50% of the length of a short-term marriage, 60% of the length of a moderate-term marriage, or 75% of the length of a long-term marriage unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • The amount and duration must be decided on a number of factors, including the ex-spouse’s age and employability.
  • The amount is what the court determines to be a reasonable need or an amount not to exceed 35% of the difference between both spouses’ net incomes, whichever is less.
  • The need for maintaining the quality of life established during the marriage has been removed.”

However, the amended alimony statute does provide for exceptions to extend the length of a durational alimony award, beyond the presumptive cap, if there are certain exceptional circumstances. The amended alimony statute also provides for modification or termination of the alimony, by the payor, in anticipation of a bona fide retirement.

Working with an experienced attorney helps secure appropriate alimony arrangements.  This can help alleviate financial strain and provide stability as both parties transition to their new lives apart.

Benefits of Mediation and Collaborative Divorce

Mediation and collaborative divorce offer alternative dispute resolution methods that can save time, money, and emotional stress during the divorce process. By employing these methods, couples can work together to reach an agreement without resorting to court proceedings, helping to maintain a more amicable relationship post-divorce.

The subsequent subsections delve further into the mediation and collaborative divorce processes, providing a better understanding of the benefits and requirements involved. By considering these alternative dispute resolution methods, you may achieve a more efficient and cost-effective resolution to your divorce case.

Mediation Process

The mediation process is an informal and flexible dispute resolution method. Here’s how it works:

  1. An impartial third party, referred to as a mediator, assists the parties in negotiating and attaining their resolution.
  2. The mediator facilitates the parties in discussing their dispute and assists them in examining mutually agreeable solutions.
  3. This can be particularly beneficial in contested divorce cases, where emotions may run high and clear communication is essential for achieving a satisfactory resolution.

In Broward County, the mediation process involves:

  • A neutral third party who assists the couple in coming to a mutually beneficial resolution
  • Couples working together to reach a fair agreement and in the best interests of all parties involved
  • No need for court intervention

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce is another alternative dispute resolution method. It involves:

  • Both parties and their respective attorneys cooperate to settle disputes without the necessity of court intervention
  • Working cooperatively to reach a mutually agreeable settlement agreement
  • Submitting the agreement to the court for review and approval

By engaging in collaborative divorce, couples can:

  • Work together to resolve their disputes in a more amicable and cost-effective manner
  • Minimize the emotional toll of the divorce process
  • Promote better communication between the parties

This process is an attractive option for many divorcing couples in Broward County, South Florida.

Tips for Navigating the Divorce Process in Broward County

The divorce process in Broward County can be an emotionally challenging journey. However, by being well-prepared and prioritizing your emotional well-being, you can make better decisions and successfully navigate the complexities of the legal system.

This section presents essential tips to manage the divorce process, including preparing financial documents, maintaining emotional well-being, and avoiding common mistakes. By following these tips, you can better protect your interests and those of your family members during the divorce process.

Armed with the knowledge and tools discussed in this guide, you will be better equipped to face the challenges of divorce and move toward a brighter future.

Preparing Financial Documents

During the divorce process in Broward County, it’s important to compile and organize all necessary financial documents, such as bank statements, tax returns, and credit card statements. By having a comprehensive understanding of the financial situation of both parties, you can better ensure that the division of property is fair and equitable.

Some of the financial documents that should be taken into consideration during the divorce process include:

  • The Petition
  • Marital Settlement Agreement
  • Broward County Summons form
  • Financial Affidavit

By gathering and organizing these documents, you can guarantee a fair and accurate division of assets and debts, ensuring that both parties are treated equitably.

Maintaining Emotional Well-Being

Prioritizing self-care and emotional well-being during the divorce process is of utmost importance. Caring for your physical and emotional health improves your decision-making abilities and enhances your capacity to handle the stress and challenges of the divorce process. Strategies for maintaining emotional well-being include:

  • Ensuring adequate rest
  • Consuming a nutritious diet
  • Engaging in physical activity
  • Obtaining support from loved ones

In addition to taking care of yourself, it is essential to ensure open communication and information sharing with your attorney and other parties involved in the divorce process. This can help to guarantee that all pertinent information is shared and that both parties are well-informed throughout the proceedings.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Throughout the divorce process, it’s important to be cognizant of common mistakes that can adversely affect your case and financial condition. Some common errors include:

  • Attempting to secure the marital residence without considering the financial ramifications
  • Neglecting to safeguard your rights and assets
  • Allowing emotions to influence your decision-making
  • Not preparing financially
  • Being disorganized with financial documents

By being aware of and avoiding these common mistakes, you can protect your interests and ensure a more successful outcome for your divorce case. With the right knowledge and support, you can confidently navigate the divorce process in Broward County and move toward a brighter future.


In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the critical factors to consider when choosing a divorce attorney in Broward County, the types of divorce cases handled by attorneys in the area, key aspects of divorce proceedings, benefits of mediation and collaborative divorce, and essential tips for navigating the divorce process. By understanding these aspects and seeking the right legal representation, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the divorce process and protect your interests.

Armed with the knowledge and tools discussed in this guide, you are better equipped to face the challenges of divorce and move forward toward a brighter future. Remember, the right divorce attorney can make all the difference in achieving a successful outcome for your case, so take the time to research and choose the best representation for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get a divorce in Broward County?

It typically takes 20 days to finalize an uncontested divorce in Broward County.

For contested divorces, the timeline varies depending on the case. Florida law also sets deadlines to help expedite the process.

How much is a retainer fee for a divorce attorney in Florida?

The amount of the legal fee retainer is dependent on the complexities of your case.  Scott A. Levine carefully examines your case, on an individual basis, to determine a fair legal fee retainer for your case.

Do I have to pay for my spouse’s divorce lawyer in Florida?

In Florida, courts may order a party to pay the other’s reasonable attorney fees and related expenses based on each party’s financial resources.

What factors should I consider when choosing a divorce attorney in Broward County?

When selecting a divorce attorney in Broward County, be sure to evaluate their familiarity with family law, how well they are able to communicate, and any associated costs.

What are the different types of divorce cases handled by attorneys in Broward County?

In Broward County, attorneys typically handle uncontested, contested, and high-net-worth divorce cases.

Broward County to Scott A. Levine, P.A. Driving Directions

via I-595 E
Fastest route now due to traffic conditions

  • Broward County Florida, USA
  • Head southwest
  • Take I-595 E and I-95 N to NE 62nd St/E Cypress Creek Rd in Oakland Park. Take exit 33A from I-95 N
  • Continue on NE 62nd St/E Cypress Creek Rd to your destination in Fort Lauderdale
  • 6550 N Federal Hwy Suite #220
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308, USA

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